Treasure hunts
Search Sadeh for the items listed on these sheets. Feel free to print them and bring them with you! There are 3 levels so people of all ages can take part. Nature based treasure-hunts build problem solving skills, team work, exercise the mind and body and tune you in to your natural surroundings.



Species surveys
Become a scientist for the day at Sadeh. Feel free to do this on your own or with a friend. All ages can get involved in counting wildlife at Sadeh and it will help us to protect and build our biodiversity.

Spot our birds
While house sparrows and starlings may be the UK’s most commonly sighted birds, a closer look at Big Garden Birdwatch data shows that numbers have in fact dropped dramatically since the Birdwatch began in 1979. House sparrows are down 53%, while starlings are down 80%. It’s a pattern echoed by two more garden favourites, with blackbirds and robins down 46% and 32% respectively. Plant trees, build bird boxes, put out bird feeders and leave wild areas in your gardens to support our bird populations. Information on the birds is taken from the RSPB

Click here for the hedgerow survey
A very useful guide to British hedgerows: why they are important and what you might see. This is not a beginner survey but this guide can help anyone who is interested in taking the hedgerow survey challenge.
Take your surveying further! Useful links: The national plant monitoring scheme